Thursday, August 5, 2010

A man's guide to the BMW

A man's guide to the BMW: the "better maintained woman" is a very amusing book. Written in the style of an auto care manual (the kind found in the glove compartment of any vehicle), this book instructs men in how to keep their women happy and doing what they do best.

What I found most amusing is the comparison of a woman to a car. Many people often address their vehicle whether it be a car, boat, or plane as "she", and "her". This book takes it to the logical logical conclusion, a woman can be thought of, in many ways, as like a car. You have to watch both of their RPMs, keep them well FUELed with the best GAS you can afford to avoid the complications involved when they become EMPTY.

The many witticisms in this book will keep any reader well entertained as a welcome addition to the coffee table literature.
I received a complimentary copy of Marriage: The second blood covenant as a member of the

Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit

to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mystically Wired

This is a good book especially for people who don't know how to pray. If you don't know why you should pray, this book is also for you. All Christians know that they should pray, and apparently there are some who don't know how. I personally find this hard to believe, since I've prayed since I could talk. But for those of you who are converts or neglected your spiritual lessons check out this book.

Wilson starts off explaining why we all should pray, essentially asserting that we are "hardwired" to pray. I'm sure that just about everyone (atheists included) have prayed. Your casual asking the air around you for something, your chants at football games, your whispered pleas for help before a stressful engagement (test, big game etc...). This book teaches that we all will pray, it's just a matter of who you're praying to.

The rest of the book teaches how to pray. Wilson explains that there are several different ways to pray depending on what you're praying for. Throughout the book Wilson uses personal illustrations of how praying changed his life and what techniques he used. Many people will tell you that praying actually changes something within you and there are studies out there that show that this is so. So for the spiritually weak, and cynical the research supports the merit of this religious practice.

For the spiritually confused (Satanists, Wiccans, and other pagans) if you want your prayer to become effective and you have real interest in spending the afterlife in comfort, check out this book and start praying to the one and only God. But know that prayer isn't enough, you must be sincere and have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

I receive these books free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Friday, May 28, 2010

Marriage: The second blood covenant

This book not be read by anyone. Whether you have designs to get married or not this isn't a book that should be read. It's a bunch of sacrilegious nonsense. Jackson asserts that God doesn't have control over His creation or even know what's going on. As if despite His omnipotence and omniscience He could somehow be left out of the loop. As if this weren't enough she blasphemes with the assertion that Adam (of Genesis) who was created in God's image was a hermaphrodite, thus asserting that God Himself is a hermaphrodite.

Jackson doesn't stop there, her book is premised on the fallacy that marriage is the root cause of divorce, spousal and child abuse, and adultery. The fact that many people live happy loving lives while married is lost on her. She refuses to see that the cause of the problems listed before and indeed all problems we face is the sin that lives in us all. Some are strong enough to combat the sin and others aren't. Some people should never have become married, married too soon, or for the wrong reasons. She points blame at an institution created by God for our benefit, because she is morally bankrupt. She tries to say that adultery is impossible because one's body is owned only by the person who inhabits it. While I agree that ownership of one's body is limited to the inhabitant, adultery is fully possible because when one becomes married they vow to "forsake all others, until death do you part".

Jackson also tries to assert that animals don't have marriage. Wrong again, they may not have a ceremony as we know it, but they do have marriage. Some water fowl, wolves, penguins, and an assortment of other group living animals mate (aka marry) for life. It was wrong of her to even try this argument, for even though we as humans are animals we are graced by God with a soul and were placed by Him over the animals.

The purpose of monogamy, and thus marriage, is to assure the continuation of the species by protecting the married couple from std's, assuring the male that the children he's raising are, in fact, his own, and giving the male a reason not to leave the family. Without marriage the family crisis, not to mention birthrates, would increase a hundredfold. Already we see what happens when the man is pushed, or at least not expected to stay with his children. Look at the number and size of teen gangs, teenage pregnancy, child poverty, rape, molestation... I could go on. These problems are very real and any sociologist will tell you that a very large part of the problem is that so many children are raised by single mothers. Take the father out of the home and eventually chaos replaces him.

I believe the reason Jackson is so fervently anti-marriage is because she is a member of a subculture of swingers. She finds the binds of marriage overly confining and constricting. While I have nothing against her or her lifestyle, it is irresponsible of her to assert that marriage is the problem and that by forsaking it we will find happiness. Neither being single or married is easy, they both take vast amounts of effort. Marriage is meant for only those with the willpower for self-discipline and responsibility. It is obvious to me that Betty Joe Jackson is not one of those people.

As I said before, no one should read this book.
I received a complimentary copy of Marriage: The second blood covenant as a member of the

Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit

to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Will the world end in 2012?

The short answer is no. The book covers ten scenarios that some people believe will cause the end of the world in 2012. Hundley does a good job in looking at each one, weighing it's credibility, and likelyhood of being the cause of the world's end. Of these four have any real likelihood of happening and only two have the capability of causing the devastation imagined. This book isn't a religious rant, this book is written by a scientist and a believer who did his research, presents a realistic analysis of the proposed world ending circumstances and the possibility of their coming to pass.

I found the book illuminating and a good read. I would definitely recommend it to anyone whose fear of the future are causing them anguish. The author assures us that whatever the future holds we shouldn't fear it, since there isn't anything we can do about it. We should, however, prepare ourselves by starting a relationship with God and if you already do, to strengthen your faith.

"You can have hope and confidence, too, whether the world ends for you in 2012 or tomorrow. You can face the end with courage and hope and even joy if Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Savior and heaven is your ultimate destination. The best antidote for the fear and dread that the 2012 predictions can cause is to begin a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, the Lord of time and the Victor over death itself" Hundley, Raymond C Ph.D.

I receive these books free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Child of wrath, The third prophecy

This book had one good thing about it that made me choose it over the other books available to review, it's name. Child of wrath: The third prophecy is a name that speaks volumes, you think your getting into an exciting book about a boy who is raised an orphan and learns that he has some grand purpose. You think the book will have wild adventures and interesting characters. You would be very wrong.

The book has a promising start and story, but never even gets close to being good. Written badly, this book leaves out key details and lacks any substantive conversation between characters. The author also has a bad habit of stringing the reader on by asking (through the main character) question interesting and important to the development of the story, and alluding that explanations will be forth coming, but they aren't. He also, makes statements like- I thought I knew what was going on. I couldn't have been more wrong-that serve to disappoint the reader when he doesn't provide anymore description to flush out the statement.

The story itself leaves much to be desired. For instance, never explained is how the magic is generated or even used. The author starts an explanation, but leaves off without finishing. There are so many literary cul-de-sacs in the story that it's difficult to get anywhere. The overall impression is that this book was written in a hurry by an inexperienced writer, without the benefit of proofreading or editing by a third party. I advise that the author keep practicing, but not publish anything until he works out the many problems with this book. He needs to go back to the drawing board and map out this book so that he can find and fill in the holes in this book, only then should he run it by an editor who will honestly critique the book.

I received a complimentary copy of Child of wrath, The third prophecy as a member of the

Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit

to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Popes and Bankers

This is a really interesting and informative book. So far I've learned why there is so much animosity between the Catholic Church and the Jews, and where it's from that the stereotype of Jews being, in general, very business savvy. I also seems that the adage "money makes the world go 'round" has some very real weight, which as the book points out is quite unfortunate. Though the book is from the economical and financial perspective it makes clear the relationship that finances and religion had in history and why we are lacking today in it's separation.

Well I finished the book. It was quite enlightening. By the end, I think the author was asserting that it was the lack of personal accountability and responsibility that led to the stock market crash and resulting recession and despair. The individual greed of everyday people (investors)fed into the greed of the corporate traders, lobbyists, and politicians.

The economic and political bigwigs acted as enablers to investors, and took advantage of the greed so salient in today's culture. It was the lack of an overarching set of morals and guidelines that allowed the people to act in selfish and greedy ways without restraint or thought to the consequences of the actions.

The book traces the disappearing relationship of religion on the actions of the economic movers and shakers in the world through time. Read this book and you will realize "in truth, it was a team effort. We all f***ed up. Government. Rating agencies. Wall Street. Commercial banks. Regulators. Investors. Everybody.", Cashill 'Popes & Bankers'2010.

I receive these books free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


As I sit here my cat jumps into my lap. He's a cute cat, but I still don't know why he's always jumping into my lap when he knows I'm trying to type. Good thing I'm not still in school, trying to type a paper would be next to impossible with him purring in my lap and nibbling on my arm. Probably, I would hurl him across the room, but no I'm not that mean. I would push him to the floor, but that would only result in his jumping back into my lap and possibly causing a multitude of typos.

Well I guess he didn't like my ignoring him for he just left my lap. Now I have to contend with a lap full of fur and a rapidly cooling lap. Oh well, now I have nothing left to say. So I'll just say "Goodnight".